現在的擴張 文/陳怡穎
本次展出的《現在的擴張》是張莉雯以同年度(2013年)所創作的平面作品《極限狀態-1 幻空抽離》為基礎所衍生而成的裝置作品。由《極限狀態-1 幻空抽離》中,我們可以看到運用線的切割、面的劃分來達成空間的區隔,混沌與滴流在純粹空間中擴張與穿梭;而《現在的擴張》是運用點的連結、線的交錯來達成空間的重疊,穿透的螢光則為觀者營造出神秘感。
在海德格爾(Martin Heidegger)的《存在與時間》中,有這樣的論述:此在的建構和它去存在的方式在存在論上只有根據時間性才是可能的,無論這一存在者是否擺「在時空中」。於是,此在特有的空間性也就必定奠基於時間性。另一方面,指出這一空間性在生存論上只有通過時間性才可能,這卻既非意在從時間中演繹出空間來,也非意在把空間抹滅為純粹時間。1 由上述當中,可以看出「在時空中」,時間與空間是可分離的,但其存在性卻必須依賴兩者相互間的證明才得以顯現,然而兩者間卻又是獨立且不互相包含的存在,就如同作品中所表現出藝術家的「本我」與「超我」拉鋸的對照性,藝術家任由思緒想像、抽離與穿透,但最終仍然回到現實之中,就如同我們感知愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)的相對時間,卻依舊活在牛頓(Isaac Newton)的絕對時間中。
"Ongoing Expansion" Li-Wen Chang solo exhibition
This exhibition, "Ongoing Expansion" is the installation works derived from the graphic works, "Extreme State I Illusional Detachment" which Li-Wen Chang also created this year(2013). In "Extreme State I Illusional Detachment", she accomplished space segmentation through slicing of lines and division of planes, and we can see that chaos and trickles expand and shuttle in the pure space. In " Ongoing Expansion", however, she accomplished space piling and penetrating fluorescence to make sense of mystery for visitors through connection of points and interlacing of lines. In Martin Heidegger's "Being and Time", he stated that : The constitution of Da-sein and its modes of being are ontologically possible only on the basis of temporality, regardless whether this being occurs "in time" or not. But then the specific spatiality of Da-sein must be grounded in temporality. On the other hand, the demonstration that this spatiality is existentially possible only through temporality, cannot aim either at deducing space from time or at dissolving it into pure time. According to aforementioned statement, time and space can be separated, but it must depend on mutual identification so that their existence can reveal. Nevertheless, their existence is still independent respectively and does not include each other, which is just like the comparison expressed in works of art between "ego" and "superego" of artists. Artists let thought visualize, abstract and penetrate at will but return to the reality eventually, as we perceive Albert Einstein's "relative time" but still live in Isaac Newton's "absolute time".
張莉雯 Li-Wen CHANG
1989 出生於台灣新竹
國立台中教育大學 美術學系
2014 現在的擴張- 張莉雯個展,黑白切藝文空間,台中。
2013 浴室獨白,寶旺Adeo 綠活聚場,台中。
2012 第17屆大墩美展,大墩藝廊,台中。
2011 THE BIG FOUR,求真樓藝文中心,台中。
MAIL: cynthialliz@hotmail.com